NewsGathering, it's minimal, classical, and intelligent adult sex appeal played by vocals, guitar, bass, and piano in a different dimension that you've never heard before. With a wide range of backgrounds, he explores pictorial music that could have existed anywhere in the world, and expresses the current atmosphere of déjà vu and singularity in an ambivalent manner.
石本松志 / Guitar Blog
唯一無二の世界観を描く、個性的なギタープレイは、心の奥深くにある琴線と共鳴する。(sidejob:Space enjineer)
Ishimoto, Matsushi / Guitar
His guitar play has strong originality came straight from his unique worldview that will touch your heart.(sideline:Space enjineer)
浅井芳治 / Piano, Keyboard, Synthesizer Blog
サウンドクリエーターとして、News Gathering の楽曲、音響を構築。(sidejob:Web designer)
Asai, Hoji / Piano, Keyboard, Synthesizer
As a sound creator, he created the music and sound for News Gathering.(sideline:Web designer)
河﨑邦生 / Vocal, Bass Blog
フレットレスベースから多彩な音を奏で、カンタベリー系のソフトボイスで不可思議な世界観を歌う。(sidejob:First class architect)
Kawasaki, Kunio / Vocal,Bass
He sings mysterious worldview with his soft voice which reminds canterbury rock and plays fretless-bass that creates colorful sounds.(sideline:First class architect)